Thursday, November 15, 2012

Helping the community

Helping the community and our beautiful Mother Earth is a 
HUGE passion of ours here at Static Salon.

 Not just during the holiday season, but all year round. Every year, we participate in AVEDA's annual Beach Clean Up for Earth Month. We help with the Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles' Women's Day in the park, where we provide hair and make up services for the women of the DWC for a fashion show. We dedicate the whole month of October to VIVA LA CURE, breast cancer events to raise money to help fund breast cancer research and provide mammograms. This November we will be cooking lunch for the members and residents of the Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles

We are so excited to have this opportunity on Monday, November 19, 2012 
to talk with and cook for the women of the DWC. This is an experience that will definitely be extremely humbling and unforgettable.

Check back next week for pictures as well as update on how the day went

Saturday, November 3, 2012


to everyone who came out to our VIVA LA CURE events  
on October 6, 2012. As well as to everyone who donated to help us reach our goal of $5,000 to donate to the 
Los Angeles Downtown Women's Center's 
Medical and Mental Health Clinic.